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It is easy to request for Referrals
Fill out the Request Form.png

1. Start

You fill out the Referral Request Form

Platform shares Referral Request.png

2. Communicate

Our Platform spreads the word about your Referral Request

Our Platform Evaluate Fit.png

3. Match

Our Platform evaluates matches, and you receive from 03 to 05 candidates

You Interview.png

4. Interview

You interview or communicate no fit

You Confirm hiring.png

5. Hire

After hiring, the candidate and the person who referred receive a reward

Benefits for your company
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Access the best talents who are not actively seeking employment
Referral hires can come from passive candidates who may not actively be looking for new opportunities but are willing to consider them if recommended by someone they know and trust.


Increase the effectiveness of hiring

Referral hires tend to be more effective, as they are recommended by someone who knows the candidate's skills and values.


Lower Costs
Companies can save money using our Platform instead of contracting a traditional recruiting firm or job posting site.


Active Referral

Our Platform allows you to actively request referrals from company employees, your network, or even in a personalized way.

Avoid losing valuable talents in thousands of applications
Ensure efficiency and focus on applications aligned with the desired profile, avoiding wasting time and opportunities.


Faster hiring process
By relying on referrals, companies can quickly find and hire the best candidates, reducing the time and effort required for the hiring process.


Improved employer branding
Companies that rely on referrals for hiring can enhance their employer branding since they are perceived as a desirable workplace.

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Choose a plan and hire the best talent
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